Incorporating hemp into a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. There’s plenty of good when it comes to a routine. Routines can promote organization, increase mental clarity and overall promote a healthy lifestyle.
This last year of the pandemic has definitely put a damper on our daily routine. From business shut downs to self quarantines, we might as well have thrown our daily planners out the window. Routines are important though. They help us meet that goal that we have been wanting to accomplish all year. Routines help us start and maintain a regular exercise plan. They keep us on track to organize our life. Routines bring us together with friends and family to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals together. They give our life meaning and purpose!

Incorporating hemp into a healthy lifestyle is key to preventative health and wellness. Hemp products work best when we consistently use them every day. So why not add them to our daily routine?
In the mornings upon waking, I enjoy a nice hot cup of green matcha tea or french pressed coffee to get my day going. Early mornings with a busy schedule require some extra push from a high quality caffeine source. A few water soluble hemp tincture drops or adding hemp infused coconut oil to my tea or coffee provides mental clarity with the burst of energy from the drink. The warm aroma of chai pairs nicely with the sweet, yet earthy tones of hemp infused coconut oil.
As I head back to my room for my morning stretch, I grab my favorite hemp infused muscle cream to loosen up those tight muscles that have accumulated over the nights rest. Mixed with a good variety of high quality essential oils, I massage in the hemp muscle cream to my neck, back, both feet and anywhere else feeling tight from a recent work out. The menthol in the cream kicks in almost instantly, but it is the high concentration of hemp-extracted cannabinoids that provided lasting relief throughout the day.
After my morning stretch, I throw on my watch and my favorite sneakers and head outside for a run or hit the gym for weight day. Balance is very important for healthy living. Changing up your workout routine and including good amounts of cardio and weight training is key to preventing injury and overall good health. I am also a HUGE fan of Club Pilates and CycleBar. Working on your strength with non-weight bearing activities is such a bonus. Did you know that certified Pilates instructors require at least 500 hours of training? Spin classes are also fabulous for the days when you need that cardio and cannot find any inner motivation on your own. Swing by your favorite spin class with an awesome instructor, and you are sure to find that motivation and have a killer workout.
Post workout and shower (of course), I massage in more hemp infused muscle cream to those areas that need it the most. I hold a lot of stress and tension in my neck and between the shoulder blades. Adding hemp infused muscle cream to those areas helps with the tightness and in turn, aides in better posture throughout the day.
Having a high quality nutrition plan is also key to health and wellness. I cannot stress the importance of nutrition and having a healthy diet. Did you know that most heart diseases are completely preventable with eating good, nutritious, whole foods and getting at least 20-30 minutes of exercise per day? Check out my girl, Michele Genesis, for the ultimate guide to nutrition and fitness coaching!
When the afternoon hits and I start feeling the drag of the day, I love to amp up my afternoon tea or vitamin-rich drink with my hemp infused water soluble drops. A small amount (about 10mg) is perfect for mid-day. It is enough to help with daily stress, but not too much to cause relaxation. I like to save the hemp relaxation for night time!
In the evening after dinner and when things are starting to wind down, I take 25mg of my favorite hemp infused blueberry tincture. A few drops under my tongue curbs my sweet-tooth for an after dinner delight. Sweet, yet earthy, there are several hemp infused tinctures that actually taste great! You just have to know which brands are high quality and use natural terpene flavoring to compliment the earthy, hemp taste. I am then off to bed, hopefully at a decent hour, to get ready to tackle tomorrow’s adventures. Winding down by reading a favorite hemp educational book or cannabis inspired journal. Sweet dreams.